
Useful functions for doing low-level things with merchants.


(add-known-prices merchant world)

Add the current prices at this merchant’s location in the world to a new cache of known prices, and return it.


(add-stock a b)

Where a and b are both maps all of whose values are numbers, return a map whose keys are a union of the keys of a and b and whose values are the sums of their respective values.


(burden merchant world)

The total weight of the current cargo carried by this merchant in this world.


(can-afford merchant world commodity)

Return the number of units of this commodity which this merchant can afford to buy in this world.


(can-carry merchant world commodity)

Return the number of units of this commodity which this merchant can carry in this world, given their current burden.


(expected-price merchant commodity city)

Find the price anticipated, given this world, by this merchant for this commodity in this city. If no information, assume 1. merchant should be passed as a map, commodity and city should be passed as keywords.