
Anything in the game world with agency; primarily but not exclusively characters.



An object which can act in the world



(act actor world circle)

Allow actor to do something in this world, in the context of this circle; return the new state of the actor if something was done, nil if nothing was done. Circle is expected to be one of

  • :active - actors within visual/audible range of the player character;
  • :pending - actors not in the active circle, but sufficiently close to it that they may enter the active circle within a short period;
  • :background - actors who are active in the background in order to handle trade, news, et cetera;
  • :other - actors who are not members of any other circle.

The act method must not have side effects; it must only return a new state. If the actor’s intention is to seek to change the state of something else in the game world, it must add a representation of that intention to the sequence which will be returned by its pending-intentions method.


(hungry? actor world circle)

True if this actor is hungry and has no immediate access to food.


(pending-intentions actor)

Returns a sequence of effects an actor intends, as a consequence of acting.


(pending-scheduled-action? actor world circle)

True if there is a plan in this actor’s schedule which should be activated now. NOTE THAT plans in the daily schedule are NOT activated when in circles :background or :other


(plan-fight-or-flight actor world circle)

Return a plan to resolve any active threat to this actor in this world.


(plan-find-food actor workd circle)

Return a plan to find this actor food in this world.


(plan-find-rest actor workd circle)

Return a plan to find this actor a safe place to rest, or if in one, to actually rest, in this world.


(plan-goal actor world circle)

Return a plan to advance this actor towards their personal objective, in this world, or nil for default actors with no objective.


(plan-scheduled-action actor workd circle)

Return a plan taken from the schedule of this actor for the current date and time, if any, else nil.


(schedule actor)

Return a map of scheduled actions for this actor. TODO: work out the detailed format!


(threatened? actor world circle)

True if this actor is threatened in this world.


(tired? actor world circle)

True if this actor needs rest.