
Default trading strategy for merchants.

The simple strategy buys a single product in the local market if there is one which can be traded profitably, trades it to the chosen target market, and sells it there. If there is no commodity locally which can be traded profitably, moves towards home with no cargo. If at home and no commodity can be traded profitably, does not move.


(move-merchant merchant world)

Handle general en route movement of this merchant in this world; return a (partial or full) world like this world but in which the merchant may have been moved ot updated.


(plan-and-buy merchant world)

Return a world like this world, in which this merchant has planned a new trade, and bought appropriate stock for it. If no profitable trade can be planned, the merchant is simply moved towards their home.


(re-plan merchant world)

Having failed to sell a cargo at current location, re-plan a route to sell the current cargo. Returns a revised world.


(sell-and-buy merchant world)

Return a new world like this world, in which this merchant has sold their current stock in their current location, and planned a new trade, and bought appropriate stock for it.