Introduction to walkmap
This library is written in support of work on The Great Game, but is separate because it may be of some use in other settings.
What works:
No clojars repo yet, build the jar yourself with
lein install
Lein dependency:
[walkmap "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]
Converting heightmaps to STL
Doesn’t work yet, and is not a priority. Use hmm instead.
Reading binary STL files
(require '[walkmap.stl :refer [decode-binary-stl]])
(decode-binary-stl "path/to/input-file.stl")
Works, seems good.
Writing ASCII STL files
(require '[walkmap.stl :refer [write-ascii-stl]])
(write-ascii-stl "path/to/output-file.ascii.stl" stl-structure)
Works, seems good, agrees with Python implementation except for different number of places of decimals printed.
Converting STL to SVG
(require '[walkmap.svg :refer [stl->svg]])
(stl->svg stl-structure)
Works, seems good. Returns a hiccup representation of the SVG.
NOTE THAT the SVG data does not contain height information, which the STL data does contain. Thus gradient information can only be obtained from the STL.
Converting STL file to SVG or SVG file
(require '[walkmap.core :refer [binary-stl-file->svg]])
(binary-stl-file->svg "path/to/input-file.stl")
Works, seems good. Returns a hiccup representation of the SVG.
(require '[walkmap.core :refer [binary-stl-file->svg]])
(binary-stl-file->svg "path/to/input-file.stl" "path-to-output-file.svg")
As above, but, as a side effect, writes the SVG to the specified output file. Works for smaller test files, as above.
Merging exclusion maps and reserved area maps
It is intended that it should be possible to merge exclusion maps (maps of areas which should be excluded from the traversable area) with maps derived from height maps. These exclusion maps will probably be represented as SVG.
This is not yet implemented.
Merging road maps and river system maps
It is intended that it should be possible to merge road maps (maps of already computed routes) with maps derived from height maps. These exclusion maps will probably be represented as SVG. This is not yet implemented.
River system maps are conceptually similar to road maps; this too is not yet implemented.
Computing new routes and roads
It is intended that it should be possible, by simulating agents traversing the terrain, to compute the courses of new roads/tracks/paths. The routing algorithm should implement the following rules.
- No route may pass through any part of a reserved holding, except the holding which is its origin, if any, and the holding which is its destination (and in any case we won’t render paths or roads within holdings, although traversal information may be used to determine whether a holding, or part of it, is paved/cobbled;
- No route may pass through any building, with the exception of a city gate;
- We don’t have bicycles: going uphill costs work, and you don’t get that cost back on the down hill. Indeed, downhills are at least as expensive to traverse as flat ground;
- Any existing route segment costs only a third as much to traverse as open ground having the same gradient;
- A more used route costs less to traverse than a less used route;
- There is a significant cost penalty to crossing a watercourse, except at an existing crossing.
This is not yet implemented.
Writing out computed road maps as SVG
It is intended that, after computing new routes and roads, it should be possible to expoer an updated road map as SVG. This is not yet implemented.
Copyright © 2020 Simon Brooke
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at